Provincial Grand Lodge of Aberdeenshire East

Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master

Bro. William G. Grant

2009 - 2014

R.W.P.G.M Bro. William G. Grant
R.W.P.G.M Bro. William G. Grant

Was initiated into the craft (as a Lewis, I believe)
on 16/12/1970;passed on 30/12/1970 and raised on
13/03/1971 as a member of Lodge Forbes No. 67.

He was installed in his first Office on 1 January
1972 and progressed through the ranks until he was
installed as RWM Lodge Forbes No. 67. in January
1980 and served for two years until 1981.

In his time as RWM in Lodge Forbes he became involved
in the life ofProvincial Grand Lodge moving through
various offices to Senior Warden when he was appointed
to the Office of Substitute PGM on 5 August 1999.

He was then appointed to the Office of Depute PGM on
21 August 2004 before being elected to the position
of RWPGM on 11 June 09 and installed on 29 August 09.
MWGM Bro. Charles Wolrige Gordon + RWPGM Bro. William Grant The Most Worshipful Grand Master Mason of Scotland
Bro. Charles Iain Robert Wolrige Gordon

congratulates the newly installed

Provincial Grand Master of Aberdeenshire East
Bro. William G. Grant

Grand Lodge of Scotland + Provincial Grand Lodge Aberdeenshire East
Deputation from Grand Lodge
Commisioned Office Bearers of Provincial Grand Lodge
Grand Lodge of Scotland + Provincial Grand Lodge Aberdeenshire East
Deputation from Grand Lodge
Provincial Grand Lodge

Photos P.M. Bro. Dr. Douglas Nicol (Lodge Leask #1084).